Пробки:   7

Perfect Infinitive

Perfect Infinitive

Данный тест предназначен для проверки вашего понимания и использования разделяемого инфинитива «Perfect Infinitive». Эта грамматическая конструкция позволяет выразить продолжительность действия до того, как произойдёт другое действие.

Тест состоит из нескольких заданий, направленных на выявление и исправление ошибок в предложениях с разделяемым инфинитивом.

Правильное использование разделяемого инфинитива является важным аспектом владения английским языком на продвинутом уровне. Он часто используется в речи, поэтому важно закрепить знания о данной конструкции и улучшить навыки её использования.

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Вопросов в тестировании

Which verb pair demonstrates that the perfect infinitive is used to express a past action that occurred before a past action in the narrative?

Choose the only correct answer:

Which sentence requires the use of the perfect infinitive to indicate a past action that is no longer relevant in the present?

Choose the only correct answer:

Which verb pair demonstrates the difference in meaning when using the simple infinitive and the perfect infinitive?

Choose the only correct answer:

Which sentence uses the simple infinitive correctly?

Choose the only correct answer:

Which verb does not require the use of the perfect infinitive in any situation?

Choose the only correct answer:

Which sentence requires the use of the perfect infinitive to indicate that an action occurred before another past action in a story or narrative?

Choose the only correct answer:

Which verb can be used with both the simple infinitive and the perfect infinitive, but the meaning changes depending on which one is used?

Choose the only correct answer:

Which sentence requires the use of the perfect infinitive to express a past action that occurred before another past action?

Choose the only correct answer:

Which sentence contains the perfect infinitive?

Choose the only correct answer:

Which verb requires the use of the perfect infinitive in the sentence «She claims to have invented the formula»?

Choose the only correct answer:

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